CD4+ T cells re-wire granuloma cellularity and regulatory networks to promote immunomodulation following Mtb reinfection

Computational Methods Computational Methods
Immunology Immunology
Infectious Disease Infectious Disease
Alex K. Shalek Alex K. Shalek
Josh Bromley Josh Bromley
Sarah Nyquist Sarah Nyquist

Bromley et al.▾ Bromley, J. D., Ganchua, S. K. C., Nyquist, S. K., Maiello, P., Chao, M., Borish, H. J., Rodgers, M., Tomko, J., Kracinovsky, K., Mugahid, D., Nguyen, S., Wang, D., Rosenberg, J. M., Klein, E. C., Gideon, H. P., Floyd-O'Sullivan, R., Berger, B,., Scanga, C. A., Lin, P. L., Fortune, S. M., Skalek, A.K., Flynn, J. L.

Immunity , Volume 57

August, 2024


Th1 CD4+ T cells mediate protective antiMtb immunity across biological systems
and organisms. Bromley, Ganchua, et al.
demonstrate that CD4+ T cells regulate
immune tone in TB granulomas and are
necessary for immune recall and
protection against reinfection. Following
reinfection, CD4+ T cells facilitate the
development of a growth restrictive niche
via the induction of immuno-modulatory
genes and cellular interaction networks.