Degrees & Affiliations
BA, Chemistry, Honors Latinx Studies - Williams College
Background & Interests

A riveting story of a research technician in the Shalek lab, from late night Seq-Well to becoming assistant lab manager. Jennyfer Galvez-Reyes details the greuling hard work of library prep and troubleshooting the sequencers in her tell-all book.
Jennyfer is a Los Angeles native who was lured into the depths of the Berkshires by Williams College financial aid and then to Boston by MIT’s influence in the scientific world. Jennyfer outlines the keys to success which include eyeshadow, selfies, and diversity. In her free time she likes to watch telenovelas, go to the club on Wednesday nights, and search for good inexpensive food.
“I’m not scared of Jennyfer…”
-Navia, Graduate Student
“She’s a machine! In a good way!!!!”
-Dr. Winter, Postdoc
“We love her.”
-Shalek, PI

Mutation and cell state compatibility is required and targetable in Ph+ acute lymphoblastic leukemia minimal residual disease

Pro-inflammatory feedback loops define immune responses to pathogenic Lentivirus infection

Pro-inflammatory feedback loops define immune responses to pathogenic lentivirus infection

Microenvironment drives cell state, plasticity, and drug response in pancreatic cancer

The tumor microenvironment drives transcriptional phenotypes and their plasticity in metastatic pancreatic cancer