Shalek Lab Statement on Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging
We recognize that systemic racism and inequities have prevented, and continue to prevent, the equitable participation and success of underrepresented groups in the sciences and beyond. We firmly believe that the wellbeing of our lab, the scientific community and our society as a whole depends on the collective contributions of each individual. We are wholeheartedly committed to being active anti-racists. As a lab, we aim to promote a sense of belonging across all identities through:
- Respect, kindness, consideration, compassion, honesty, fairness, and transparency.
- Active listening and openness.
- Self-education and reflection.
- Recognizing each individual for the work they do, their ideas, and their contributions.
- Creating an accommodating, adaptive, and collaborative environment that intellectually, emotionally, and physically supports each individual so they can achieve their scientific, personal, and professional goals.
- Holding ourselves, each other, and our communities accountable.
- Sharing our expertise widely and openly.
- Equitably and ethically working with each other and our partners, whether scientists, funders, or the public.
- Allyship and promoting, centering, and celebrating marginalized voices.
- Recognizing and rejecting discriminatory behaviors, comments, and language.
- Dismantling bias, racism, stereotypes, and barriers to equitable participation.
- Proactive and thoughtful recruiting of talented individuals with an emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Leading and participating in outreach, education, and empowerment activities