Kyle Kimler

Kyle Kimler

Former Research Associate

Degrees & Affiliations

BS, Biology - University of Notre Dame MS, Molecular Techniques in Life Sciences - Karolinska Institutet

Background & Interests

Biology Biology
Cell Atlas Cell Atlas
Computational Methods Computational Methods
Genomics Genomics
Immunology Immunology
Make Way for Dumplings Make Way for Dumplings
Making Waves Making Waves
Medicine Medicine
Microbiology Microbiology
Never a Dull Moment Never a Dull Moment
Outdoor Adventures Outdoor Adventures
Statistics Statistics
Technology Technology
Too Many Cooks Too Many Cooks
Travel Travel


Kyle Kimler was born in Charleston, West Virginia. In his youth he traveled and lived all around the USA and having caught the bug, later explored Asia, Australia, and Europe. At some point he landed in Carlsbad, California where he worked in R&D Cell Bio custom services at Thermo Fisher. Ever feeling the urge to wander, after three years he moved to Stockholm, Sweden when given the opportunity to learn bioinformatics in a MS at SciLifeLab in Sweden. There, he also worked in labs, cloning bio-orthogonal single amino acid tags in Simon Elsaesser’s Lab, building networks of coexpression from spatial transcriptomics in Erik Sonnhammer’s Lab, and developing model chemolithoautotrophic bacteria in Paul Hudson’s Lab.

Kyle joined the Shalek Lab by way of the Ordovas-Montanes Lab. He also collaborates with Leslie Kean, and together with all three labs works on the PREDICT project, aiming to develop precision diagnostics and treatments for inflammatory bowel disease. Kyle’s main research interests are in the limits of understanding we can attain with current biotechnologies. He works primarily with single cell RNA-seq data, searching for computational methods to categorize human cell types and cell states at the highest possible resolution.


Impact of variants and vaccination on nasal immunity across three waves of SARS-CoV-2
Impact of variants and vaccination on nasal immunity across three waves of SARS-CoV-2
  • Long et al.,
  • biorxiv,
  • 2024
Infectious Disease Infectious Disease
Medicine Medicine
Andrew Navia Andrew Navia
Carly Ziegler Carly Ziegler
Josh Bromley Josh Bromley
José Ordovas-Montañes José Ordovas-Montañes
Kyle Kimler Kyle Kimler
Micayla George Micayla George
Riley Drake Riley Drake
Samira Ibrahim Samira Ibrahim
Tasneem Jivanjee Tasneem Jivanjee
Vincent Miao Vincent Miao
A Treatment-Naive Cellular Atlas of Pediatric Crohn's Disease Predicts Disease Severity and Therapeutic Response
A Treatment-Naive Cellular Atlas of Pediatric Crohn's Disease Predicts Disease Severity and Therapeutic Response
  • Zheng et al.,
  • bioRxiv,
  • 2021
Biology Biology
Cell Atlas Cell Atlas
Computational Methods Computational Methods
Genomics Genomics
Immunology Immunology
Medicine Medicine
Alex K. Shalek Alex K. Shalek
Benjamin Doran Benjamin Doran
José Ordovas-Montañes José Ordovas-Montañes
Kyle Kimler Kyle Kimler