Sidney Allison

Sidney Allison

Research Technician

Background & Interests

Biology Biology
Chemistry Chemistry
I Want a Hot Body, but I also Want Tacos I Want a Hot Body, but I also Want Tacos
Immunology Immunology
Infectious Disease Infectious Disease
Medicine Medicine
Never a Dull Moment Never a Dull Moment
Too Many Cooks Too Many Cooks
Top Shelf Top Shelf


Sidney (“Sid”) is a Research Technician at the Shalek Lab working primarily with HIV. He joined the lab following a stint in biotech, specializing in analytical development, after completing a BS in Chemical Engineering from Northeastern University. Originally from Northern Virginia, he moved to Boston for undergrad and decided to stay- finding himself at home in the thriving medical research and biotechnology scene.

He’s particularly interested in infectious disease research, even more-so by the study of diseases that aren’t as well understood (either from posing a particular immunological challenge or from a social standpoint), and blurring the line between science and engineering to characterize and develop treatment to various forms of disease by applying engineering methods to scientific research. When not in the lab, he enjoys video games, cooking and mixology (which he’ll posit is the closest you can get to chemistry outside of a lab), and playing the viola.