Alex K. Shalek has been approved for promotion to Associate Professor without Tenure! The official promotion will be effective July 1. Congratulations Alex!
Alex’s research is directed towards the creation and implementation of new technologies to understand how cells collectively perform systems-level functions in healthy and diseased states. His lab’s technology development efforts leverage recent advances in genomics, chemical biology, and nanotechnology to establish cross-disciplinary analytical platforms for in-depth profiling and precise manipulation of cells and their interactions; his lab’s biological applications, meanwhile, focus on the roles of cellular heterogeneity and cell-to-cell communication in driving immune responses, especially in the context of global health problems. Overall, the lab strives to realize broadly-applicable and useful experimental and computational platforms powered to help transform how the community thinks about single cells, cell-cell interactions, and tissue-level phenomena, and ultimately aid in the design of more effective diagnostics, prognostics, and therapeutics. Alex’s numerous awards include a Pew-Stewart Scholarship, an Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship in Chemistry, the Pfizer-Laubach Career Development Professorship, the NIH New Innovator Award, the Beckman Young Investigator, and the Searle Scholar Award.