Several Shalek Lab members have been recognized for their fantastic achievements! To note:
- Sam Allon was awarded a Graduate Research Fellowship through the National Science Foundation.
- Travis Hughes was awarded the Martha Gray Prize in Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics at the 2017 HST forum.
- Travis Hughes was selected as a Tip-Top Junior Investigator by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Michelle Morrison was awarded the MIT School of Engineering’s Infinite Mile Award
- Jose Ordovas-Montanes was awarded a post doctoral fellowship by the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
- Jose Ordovas-Montanes was awarded the MIT Outstanding Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program Direct Mentor Award
- Andrew Navia received the 2017 Award for Outstanding Teaching by the MIT Department of Chemistry
Alex Shalek named Pfizer-Laubach Career Development Professor2018 Sloan Research Fellowships Announcement is Live!