With the generous support of a MISTI grant from MIT, the Shalek Lab had the opportunity to visit collaborators at the Kwazulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH) in Durban, South Africa during the last week of June.
The group met with professors Al Leslie and Thumbi Ndung’u and their labs to discuss current and future collaborations, teach single cell RNA-Seq techniques, and learn about the wide range of science underway at K-RITH.
The lab also had the pleasure of meeting with the Center for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), Krista Dong, MD and the iTEACH team, and members of the FRESH(Females Rising through Empowerment, Support, and Health) program.
Amidst a week of science, discussion, and collaboration, graduate students (Alex G., Kellie, and Sam) had the honor of giving a talk on single cell RNA-Seq to the K-RITH community.
Alex and the lab are very thankful to have had such wonderful opportunities and experiences in Durban!