Seq-Well is a portable, low-cost platform for single-cell RNA sequencing designed to be compatible with low-input, clinical biopsies. We have recently published a manuscript detailing the development and validation of the Seq-Well plaftorm. Here, we provide an in-depth protocol and videos describing how to perform Seq-Well experiments.

We hope that you will use Seq-Well and apply it in your work.

Seq-Well: portable, low-cost RNA sequencing of single cells at high throughput
Seq-Well: portable, low-cost RNA sequencing of single cells at high throughput
  • Gierahn et al.,
  • Nature Methods,
  • 2017
Chemistry Chemistry
Genomics Genomics
Technology Technology
Travel Travel
Alex K. Shalek Alex K. Shalek
Marc Wadsworth II Marc Wadsworth II
Travis Hughes Travis Hughes




CAD Files: 

CAD files for Seq-well devices and molds are provided here: CAD Files

Note: These files are made available under the “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International” creative commons license.

Copyright 2017, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Broad Institute.

Publications, Protocols and Additional Resources

Lab Members Involved

Alex K. Shalek Alex K. Shalek
Marc Wadsworth II Marc Wadsworth II
Travis Hughes Travis Hughes

Research Areas

Cancer Cancer
Chemistry Chemistry